Monday, October 21, 2019

Conference Memories Ep. 2: Guan Jang-Wu

Dr. Guan, friend, colleague, grad school comrade, WEA Certified Outdoor Educator, faculty at National Taiwan Sports University, and long-time WEA member writes about his favorite conference experiences and why he continues to support the WEA! 

Will Hobbs

Giving students an opportunity and platform to communicate with a group of great people from all over United States... a priceless learning experience.

I have been taking students to WEA conferences as part of my USA adventure travel course for many years. It has always been a great experience for me and my students. I think the best part of WEA is giving students an opportunity and platform to communicate with a group of great people from all over United States. People share their cultures, stories, explore different perspectives and find common grounds. From a teacher’s viewpoint, it was a priceless learning experience. 

For me personally, WEA conference is a great venue to connect with new and old friends, learn new things from best teachers in the outdoor field, and have a great time at the evening social. These memories will last forever!

Guan Jang-Wu, Ph. D.

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